Lexi's Toy Loft

What is Lexi's Toy Loft?

Lexi’s Toy Loft specialises in selling vintage toys mainly from the 1980s. We are a registered company based in the United Kingdom. 

This website gives free vintage toy guides to anyone who visits. Just hover over “Toy Guides” at the top of the screen and choose where you want to go. 

We also give access to our vintage toy shop website shop and vintage design merchandise website shop. Just hover over the word “shop” at the top of the screen and choose where you wish to go. 

What is different to your eBay store?

Most toys for sale from this website will be 10% cheaper than on eBay. This is because we do not have to pay the eBay fees from our own site. You can still access our eBay store through eBay or by hovering over the word “Shop” at the top of the screen. 

Do you have a physical shop I can visit?

At this time we are only an online toy store. We do not have a shop that you can visit. 


How do I contact Lexi's Toy Loft

Go to the contact page to get in touch with us. You can access this at the top of the screen by clicking “Contact.” You will find an email and telephone number that you can use to get in touch for any reason. 


Do you post internationally?

We can post internationally using Royal Mail tracked postage. Just get in touch for a quote. You would need to check what import duty would be charged when ordering.  

How do you post items?

We have  Royal Mail Business account and post items every week day. We aim to only use Royal Mail as they provide a good service. If an item is too large for Royal Mail we will use another reliable provider such as Parcel Force. We will not use the less reputable postage firms. 

Where is my item?

We try to post items within 24 hours of the order or 48 hours maximum. If you item is late please check that you have not ordered during a bank holiday (we are based in the United Kingdom for checks like these) and that there are no postage strikes other such issues that could delay postage of your item. 



Check out our YouTube channel for fun toy reviews and information on vintage toys.