SERIES 1 (1986)


Yank is part of Star Wing, Starcom’s air and space fleet. Yank was released in Europe on a double figure cardback with the Shadow Force figure General Von Dar. He was also released with the with the Starcom Action Fleet, Action Set. He has also been found with some of the vehicles as the later vehicle releases did not have a specific driver or pilot. 


Body Mould

Yank has a Star Wing symbol on his left breast. He is clean shaven. He has his rank motif on his left arms. 

The Starcom figures have two pins either side of their helmets. A visor attaches to to the pins and can be placed up or down. There are two holes on the back so that a backpack can be fixed to it. The boots have two magnets so figures can connect to magnetic surfaces. The arms can only move in one direction but the legs have joints at the knee


Yank came with a backpack, gun, connector cable and visor. The connector cable connects the backpack to the gun. The visors were fragile and they broke very easily.  As the parts were very small, many have been lost over the years. 



Yank was released in Europe on a double figure cardback with the Shadow Force figure General Von Dar. He was also released with the with the Starcom Action Fleet Action Set. He has also been found with some of the vehicles as the later vehicle releases did not have a specific driver or pilot. 

In the later series there were no specific figures that came with vehicles. Random cardback figures were added to the vehicles. 


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Please check out our YouTube channel “Lexi’s Toy Loft” to see great toy reviews including Action Force!