The Headquarters was the largest Action Force toy in the First Series. It was made of cardboard and had lots of different parts


The Headquarters was the largest Action Force Toy available at the time. It was made of cardboard and had a number of plastic parts that went with it. As it was made of cardboard, many have been lost over the years. The box is hard to find in good condition as it was very flimsy.

The Headquarters had some great artwork and was divided into different area. There was  a parking space for AF3 in a garage area, a diving area with first floor observation area, a training area, an armoury area, a jail area and a command centre.  There was also a landing pad with runway. A ladder (cut into the carboard )went from the ground all the way up to the top.

The two machine gun nests could be clipped onto the first floor just like the ladder for the zip line. The machine gun nests had two holes that guns could be placed into. A weapons chute was in the first floor and items could be slid down it to the ground level. A ladder with rope and hook could be used used as a zip line for figures using two small red parts shwon below.

The way the Action Force Headquarters was made is very sililar to the Palitoy Death Star. The clips and weapons shoot parts were repainted in black for use with the Death Star. You can find more about the Palitoy Death Star by clicking here (link takes you to my YouTube video review of Death Star by Palitoy).



The Headquarters came with two red guns, two machine gun nests, a weapons chute, six clips to hold the Headquarters to the base (each clip had two parts), a ladder that clipped to the floor, a hook and string which acted as a  zip line. A red zipline figure holder (figure hands clipped in and this part enabled to figure to slide down the string), a small red part which was also for the zipline. It also came with six plastic figure stands. 

The machine gun nests could clip onto the cardboard floor but this often damaged the cardboard. A figure could then be stood in the nest. The machine gun nests could also be turned upside down and a gun could be placed on them.


There is a ladder with a rope with a hook and the rope is attached to a winch. A figure can be attached to the two red pieces and slide down the rope! It could be quite fiddly to attach a figure! the small red pieces can be very hard to find!


The instructions for the Headquarters were shown on the bottom base part. 



The Headquarters came boxed with no figures. The box is very flimsy and hard to find in good condition. 



The red gun also came with the first series AF7 Deep Sea DiverAF3 JeepAF5 Multi-Mission and the Headquarters. It also came with the second series Z Force Jeep and the German Blitz Buggy.


The figure stands also came with all of the second series Battle Gear packs (shown below). You can click on each of the below pictures to see each Battle Gear page. 



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