Codename: Condore

Personal Name: Ritter, Thomas

WATT Number:  934103

Primary Speciality: Combat Helipilot

Secondary Speciality: Unarmed Combat

Birthplace: Frankfurt, Germany

Top helicopter display team pilot. Also chief instructor at the Unarmed Combat School. Judo and karate expert. Holder of the Black Belt. On joining Action Force he passed throught the Special School for Space Training and was awarded the Free-fall combat medal. Condore is a really tough- no nonsense soldier. Proud of being German and even sings when in the mood.

The WATT Condore (Condor in English) figure was the German version of the Space Force Security Trooper. He came with a blue laser pistol and laser rifle. 

As well as being a carded figure, he also came with the WATT Nahkampf Schlitten vehicle (German version of the Satellite Defence).


Body Mould

Condore has the WATT emblem across his chest. He has quite a bulky torso which appears to be armoured. He has oxygen pipes that go from his front face mask (rather Darth Vader-like!) to the rear and up his head. On his back he has a hole in the middle of his upper back. The Space rifle wire can be placed into this. The back resembles a power pack and so maybe this was used to power up the weapon? He has ammo pouches on each hip and pockets down both legs.



Condore came with a blue Laser Rifle and a blue laser pistol. 



The WATT Condore figure came carded and also boxed with the WATT Nahkampf Schlitten.

File Card

Information about the figure could be found on the back of the figures file card. 


Condore was based on the Space Force Security Trooper and Patroller. 


The blue Space Rifle was also supplied with the Security Trooper, the Satellite Defence and the Space Force Battle Gear. The German Condore figure also came with the blue space rifle as well as the Nahkampf Schlitten. 

The Space Rifle was a repaint of the G.I. Joe Flash’s weapon.




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