ACTION FORCE 1983-1984 (second SERIES)


Codename: Beaver

Personal Name: Jacques-Peter Smith

Action Force Number: AF 342746

Primary Military Speciality: Waterborne Sabotage

Secondary Military Speciality: Night Attack

Birthplace: Ontario, Canada

Brought up on the banks of the river Hudson. Schooled in watercrafts at an early age. Recruited by the Canadian Special Forces for undercover patrol, where he learnt to shoot “white-water” rapids. Action Force training has developed his silent, but deadly attack techniques.

“They seldom see Beaver come, and they never see him go.”

Beaver came with the Silent Attack Version 1 vehicle. Both of his arms were straight and this enabled him to hold the paddle for his canoe. He also came with a life jacket and Grease gun


Ready for battle!

Body Mould

Beaver has a moulded peaked het. He has a belt and webbing with a water bottle in the small of his back. He has pockets down each outer side of his legs. The SAS emblem in on both shoulders. As both of his arms were straight the paddle for his canoe could be held.



Beaver came with a yellow life jacket, a black Grease gun and a canoe paddle. He also came with a rubber band so that the life jacket could be attached to his body. The life jacket went over his head and the elastic band held it against his body.



The SAS Beaver figure came boxed exclusively with the Silent Attack vehicle.

File Card

Information about the figure could be found on the back of the figures file card (the Datafile information). Each figure also had an individual medal number for the mail order offer. Beaver did not have a medal number. 


Version one of Beaver had a round hand and version two had an angled hand.  



The yellow life jacket also came with the First Series Helicopter Pilot and the Second Series SAS Pilot. There are some different versions of the life jacket and you can read about them on the life jacket page.


The black Grease gun also came with the SAS Attack Trooper and the SAS Para Attack. Different coloured Grease guns came with other figures and sets. You can click the Grease gun image at the top of the page to view the different types and who they came with. 



Datafiles could be found in the Battle Action Force comics. They contained lots of information about the characters and had some great artwork. 



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