ACTION FORCE 1983-1984 (second SERIES)


Codename: BLAST-OFF

Personal Name: Greg Taggart

Action Force Number: AF 934102

Primary Military Speciality: Weaponry

Secondary Military Speciality: Free-Fall Aerobatics

Birthplace: Sydney, Australia

Initial training, Australian Air Force. Member of parachute training school. Instructor in Advanced Weapon Training Australian Airforce Regiment. Took NASA free fall Space Training course and passed out with distinction. Action Force provided logical step to take and he swiftly became indispensable part of the team.

“Blast-Off is a rough diamond type of guy. Drinks nothing but milk and fresh juice. Unusual for an Australian!”

The Space Patroller Blast-Off came with two types of weapons making him a force to be reckoned with! Originally he came with a blue uzi and silver SMG but the SMG was later replaced with a blue space rifle. The rifle has a wire that can be attached to a hole in the figure back (shown below). His figure mould was used for the Space Security Trooper which came carded and with the Satellite Defence vehicle. 


Ready for battle!

Body Mould

The Space Patroller has the Space Force emblem across his chest. He has quite a bulky torso which appears to be armoured. He has oxygen pipes that go from his front face mask (rather Dart Vader-like!) to the rear and up his head. On his back he has a hole in the middle of his upper back. The Space rifle wire can be placed into this. The back resembles a power pack and so maybe this was used to power up the weapon? He has ammo pouches on each hip and pockets down both legs.



The Space Patroller (Blast-Off) was originally packed with a blue uzi and silver Sterling SMG. He later came with a blue uzi and blue space rifle. The Space rifle had a long wire that could be placed into a hole on the figures back.



The Space Patroller (Blast-Off) figure came as a carded figure. Below are examples of a Patroller being carded with an SA80 gun and also a German WATT figure being carded as a Patroller.

File Card

Information about the figure could be found on the back of the figures file card (the Datafile information). Each figure also had an individual medal number for the mail order offer. The Space Patroller number was 40. 


The Space Patroller figure version one had plain yellow legs, version two had orange highlights on the legs and side pockets.



The Space Patroller is a variant of the Security Trooper. The same mould was used for the German Condore and Meteor figures. 



The blue uzi was also supplied with the Security Trooper, the Space Commander, the Space Pilot and the Space Force Battle Gear.


The blue Space Rifle was also supplied with the Security Trooper and the Satellite Defence. The Space Rifle was a repaint of the G.I. Joe Flash’s weapon.


The silver Sterling SMG (sub-machine gun) was also supplied with the First Series Commando and Naval Assault figures.

There were different coloured SMG’s available and by clicking on the picture of the SMG you will be taken to the SMG page which shows the different SMG’s that were available.



Datafiles could be found in the Battle Action Force comics. They contained lots of information about the characters and had some great artwork. 



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