ACTION FORCE 1983-1984 (second SERIES)


Codename: Tracker

Personal Name: Raoul Santillana

Action Force Number: 396669

Primary Military Speciality: Engineering

Secondary Military Speciality: Infantry

Birthplace: Madrid, Spain

Joined Spanish army straight from school and swiftly became foremost expert on rapid motorised deployment. He is tough, a fast worker (he has to be!), and trained under battle conditions. If Z Force are in a tight situation call on Tracker. Can handle most types of projectile weapons. 

“Tracker is the best rifle shot in Z Force and is an expert sniper.”

The Z Force Sapper “Tracker” came with the large M60 machine gun and a black ammo box. His figure mould was used with the First Series Commando, the SAS Commando and the SAS Stake-Out figure. His datafile indicates that he helps to get Z Force out of tight spots and is a sniper. Almost a shame that he did not have a special sniper rifle weapon supplied with him!



Ready for battle!

Body Mould

The Z Force Sapper has a moulded peak hat. He has ammo belts going across and over his torso with grenades on his left breast. He has large ammo storage pockets on his left and right hips. He has a water bottle and knife on his lower back. The Z Force logo is on his shoulders.


The Z Force Sapper came with an M60 machine gun and a black ammo box. 

There were different coloured ammo boxes that came with different figures and sets. To find out more about the various ammo boxes click on the ammo box image. You will be taken to the ammo box page. 



The Z Force Sapper figure came as a carded figure. 

File Card

Information about the figure could be found on the back of the figures file card (the Datafile information). Each figure also had an individual medal number for the mail order offer. The Z Force Sapper number was 29. 


The first version of this figure was made of softer plastic and had less clear paintwork. He also had a round open hand. The second version was made with harder plastic and had clearer paintwork and logo. The second version has an angled hand. 

The Z Force Sapper was a repaint of the First Series Commando, the Second Series SAS Commando and Stakeout figures. He was also used as the figure Polizist for the 1983 German series.


The M60 machine gun also came with the first series Desert Rat. It also came with the second series Stakeout (Boat Patrol), SAS Battle Gear  and an Enemy Battle Gear pack

The black ammo box came with the first series Mission Pilot. it also came with the second series SAS Pilot, Red Shadow, series two Escape Armour,  Z Force Sapper, SAS Battle Gear and the third series Escape Armour Pilot.


The Datafiles for the Z Force Sapper and Infantryman appear to have had the main character images mixed up!


Datafiles could be found in the Battle Action Force comics. They contained lots of information about the characters and had some great artwork. 



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