ACTION FORCE 1983-1984 (second SERIES)


Codename: Skeletron

Birthplace: Baron Ironblood’s laboratory

He is a mysterious new Enemy Creature, created by Baron Ironblood’s laboratories. He works alongside the evil Kraken with the aim of defeating Action Force!

Skeletron was the third mailaway figure from Palitoy. Medals could be collected from the back of figure cards and sent to Palitoy with some money to cover postage. Skeletron would then be posted to you by Palitoy. Skeletron would come in a plastic bag with a sticker for his chest. He would usually be posted in a small plain cardboard box. 

Skeletron would sometimes be sent instead of the version two Commander figure when stocks were low. He came with a cover letter shown below. Skeletron had no datafile and the description above comes from the letter that was sent with the figure (letter can be seen below). 


Ready for battle!

Body Mould

Skeletron had the appearance of a robotic skeleton. The head, arms and legs all look like a skeletons bones. The figure (similar to Kraken) appears to be grinning. However the head has what appears to be some machinery in it. The body has wires going down the back from the shoulders. The sticker has the Red Shadows emblem and some coloured buttons that give the figure more robotic features. 



Skeletron did not come with any accessories but he did come with a sticker that went on his chest.


Skeletron came exclusively as a mailaway/ mail order. The offer was shown on the back of figure cards (shown below). Figure medals were collected from purchased cards and sent to Palitoy with money to cover postage. Skeletron would arrive in a plastic bag inside a mailaway box (usually plain white in colour).

Below is a picture of the Skeltron mailaway offer. To the right of the Skeletron offer picture is a picture of a figure medal card (five medals were needed to be collected in total). Sometimes when stocks of the Commander version two figure were low, a Skeletron figure would be sent instead. A cover letter would also be sent and this is shown below. There was no datafile for Skeletron but the letter explains who the character is!

File Card

Information about the figure could be found on the back of the figures file card (the Datafile information). Some vehicles had file cards on them. Skeletron did not have a file card or number. 


Datafiles could be found in the Battle Action Force comics. They contained lots of information about the characters and had some great artwork. Skeletron however did not have a datafile.



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