Codename: Leguan

Personal Name:  Maclaren, Jamie Hugh

TSATT number: 93403

Primary Speciality: Naval Battle Tactics

Secondary  Speciality: Target Shooting

Birthplace: Glasgow, Scotland

Second son of a  shipyard worker in Glasgow. From school. went straight into whaling. Rose to the top through sheer ability to become Commander of a whaling fleet. Action Force recruited him as one of the best men to be found. Top class in Deep Sea Diving course. Leguan is a reflective man but can think quickly when required. This has got him out of many desperate situations.

The TSATT Leguan figure was the German version of the Q Force Deep Sea Defender. His back story states that he was Commander of a whaling fleet!- Something which is not looked on too fondly nowadays (or back in the eighties for that matter). Leguan came with a red weapon that was used as an aerial in some Action Force vehicles. He also came witha  red pack, clear plastic tube and a blue rubber band. The band conencted the pack to his back. The clear tube could connect the pack to the weapon. The back pack was originally made for the G.I. Joe Jump but in a  different colour. 


Body Mould

Leguan came in with moulded boots and diving suit with helmet. The helmet had a hole in it and so the clear plastic tube from AF7 could also be placed in it and used just like the first series Deep Sea Diver. He has straps across his chest and a dagger on his left lower leg. The TSATT logo is on each shoulder. 



Leguan came with a red aerial type weapon and a red back pack. He also came with a blue rubber band so that the red backpack could be attached. A clear tube connected the weapon to the back pack. 



The Leguan figure came carded.

File Card

Information about the figure could be found on the back of the figures file card. 


Leguan was based on the original Q Force Deep Sea Defender. The Q Force Deep Sea Defender was a repaint of the first series Deep Sea Diver.

The mould is very similar to the Red Shadows Muton figure and the German Robott figure. 

The Deep Sea Defender’s red backpack was originally used with the G.I. Joe Jump. 



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